Our suppliers
- Ducks and pigeons from la ferme du Puntoun at Saint Martin (32300)
- Ducks from la Famille PERES at Saint-Michel (32300)
- Eggs from Villeneuve & Fils at Saint-Arroman (32300)
- Gascony chicken from Xavier Abadie at Miélan (32170)
- Veal from Jacques Bernes at Saint Michel (32300)
- Raw milk from GAEC IRINA at Haget (32730)
- Goat and ewes cheese from Milhommes farm at Pouylebon (32320)
- Honey from Domaine apicole de Pillardon at Bassoues d'Armagnac (32320)
- Floc and Armagnac from Domaine de Bilé at Bassoues d'Armagnac (32320)
- Fruits and vegetables from Henri Primeurs at Mirande (32300)
- The tide from Mericq at Estillac (47310)
- Professional groceries from Métro at Tarbes (65000)
- Wine in jug "Côtes de Gascogne" from the cave de l'évêché at Mirande (32300)
- Bread and viennese pastries from Mendes Nouven at Mirande (32300)
- And various things in the town of MIRANDE

The label Tables du Gers It comprises a network of restaurants who share the same culinar values and work hand in hand with producers of Gers. Together they engage in a quality, local, and responsible:
- Home cook seasonal vegetables and fruits
- Select locally products and prefer short circuits
- Inform on the products origin